Actium Anatomy Group

About Us

Who We Are?

Actium is a research group recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 00576). Formed by researchers who are passionate about what they do, who mostly come from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and whose mission is to improve society with their scientific and teaching work. Since the beginning of its activity in the 2017-2018 academic year, the ordinary work of the group has been carried out through daily work and through various specialized research seminars (Summer Camp, Oktober Research & Anatomy, Christmas Investigation, Primavera Research… ) on a monthly basis. In addition, a day of Thanks to the Body Donor and Anatomical Update is organized annually, with the aim of bringing the research carried out to society and thanking the generosity of donors and volunteers. In 2022 the group was awarded the prize for Fisioterapeuta de l’Any by the Col·legi de Fisioterapeutes de Catalunya (COLFICAT), in addition to being recognized as a Research Group by the Consejo General de Colegios de Fisioterapia de España (CGCFE)


The group’s first approach to a scientific problem is through the in-vitro model (anatomical-cadaveric approach). Once the effects of certain treatments or interventions on a certain tissue or region of the body have been investigated using anatomical samples, the group transfers the study to an in-vivo model. In this second phase, the investigations are carried out on healthy volunteer subjects, with the aim of knowing if the behavior of said intervention is different from the in-vitro model. With the results obtained in this second phase, the research is transferred to the real patient (with a certain pathology or state of fragility) and in a totally clinical or hospital context.


01  Research

The Actium group investigates the effects produced by movement and/or certain clinical interventions on muscle and fascial tissue

02  Form

The Actium group helps the training and learning of university students and health professionals in anatomy and research

03  Dissemination

We believe that the dissemination of science contributes to the democratization of knowledge

04  transference

Transmitting the scientific knowledge generated to the social and productive fabric is the best way for the scientific benefit to reach the population in general and to improve society.

Lines of investigation
Line 1 - Evaluate the effect of movement on the fascial and musculoskeletal system
Line 2 - Evaluate the effect and effectiveness of clinical interventions on the musculoskeletal and fascial system
Line 3 - Effects of therapeutic exercise in different populations on myofascial tissue

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